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How to Calculate Grade Point Average

  1. Multiply the Grade Value by the Credit Value to calculate Quality Points
  2. Add the Quality Points to find Total Quality Points Earned.
  3. Add the Credits to find the Total Credits Attempted. Year-long classes are all one credit classes and half-year or semester classes are all 0.5 credits. The only exception is physical education classes which are 0.25 credits.
  4. Divide the Total Quality Points Earned by the Total Credits Attempted to find GPA.

Example of a Grade Point Average Calculation:

 Class  Grade  Grade Value  Credit Value  Quality Points
 English  B  3.000  1.0  3.000
 Math  A-  3.667  1.0  3.667
 Science  B+  3.333  1.0   3.333
 U.S. History  C+  2.333  0.5  1.167
 P.E.  A  4.000  0.25   1.000
 Band  A  4.000  1.0   4.000
 Food for Fitness  B-   2.667  0.5  1.333
 Total Quality Points         17.167
 Total Credits        5.25
 GPA        3.270


Regular grading system at the high school:

 A = 93-100 = 4.000  C = 73-76 = 2.000
 A- = 90-92 = 3.670  C- = 70-72 = 1.670
 B+ = 87-89 = 3.330  D+ = 67-69 = 1.330
 B = 83-86 = 3.000  D = 63-66 = 1.000
 B- = 80-82 = 2.670  D- = 60-62 = 0.670
 C+ = 77-79 = 2.330  F = 59-Below = 0.000

Weighted grading scale and point values for AP courses:

 A = 93-100 = 5.000  C = 73-76 = 3.000
 A- = 90-92 = 4.670  C- = 70-72 = 2.670
 B+ = 87-89 = 4.330  D+ = 67-69 = 2.330
 B = 83-86 = 4.000  D = 63-66 = 2.000
 B- = 80-82 = 3.670  D- = 60-62 = 1.670
 C+ = 77-79 = 3.330  F = 59-Below >= 0.000